This section presents information and results of the studies and activities carried out in accordance with the Project Implementation Program.
- Research of internal quality assurance systems of Russian universities.
- Study of Internal Quality Assurance of ENQA Member Agencies
- Study of models for external evaluation of quality assurance applied by ENQA Member Agencies and the importance of their requirements for Russian practice.
- Workshop “Assessment of educational programs taking into account the ESG standards and the practice of European agencies for the assessment of the quality of education” with stakeholders to discuss the procedures for assessing the quality of education (in the Project Program, activity code 2.2)
In accordance with the Project Implementation Program 611520-EPP-1-2019-1-RU-EPPJMO-SUPPA, the planned deadlines for achieving its results, as well as taking into account the current circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic and the relevant restrictions in the Russian Federation, a force majeure that made it impossible (according to the plan-application) the organization of a field seminar in Tver, – Russian Register held a planned event (code 2.2) with stakeholders to discuss and refine internal procedures for assessing the quality of education using IWT and ZOOM tools.
The online workshop “Evaluation of educational programs taking into account ESG standards and the practice of European agencies for the assessment of the quality of education” was held on April 24, 2020. The purpose of the event is to discuss the structure and content of the requirements of the Russian Register Certification Association model to ensure the achievement of the goals of international accreditation of educational programs under the project.
More than 40 people were invited and took part in the event – according to the statement in the project, representatives of all interested target groups of the project, including representatives of the academic and professional communities, heads of educational programs, students and graduates of educational organizations, employees of agencies for quality assurance of education, control – supervisory authorities in the field of education, scientific and pedagogical workers, experts and other interested persons.
In accordance with the program of the workshop, the project manager Evgenia Korneva addressed the participants with a welcoming speech, presenting the main concept of the project and the tasks of the workshop. Further, the international accreditation model was presented by the Russian Register expert and project methodologist Marina Izmailova. The workshop participants were actively involved in the discussion of the tasks and methods for ensuring the compliance of educational programs with ESG standards based on the presented model. Workshop moderator, LEAR of the project Alexandra Zvezdova organized an exchange of views and discussion among the participants of the meeting. At the end of the event, the participants left their feedback and suggestions on the model using a google form, which will allow the project team to improve the presented model, taking into account the opinions of all stakeholders-target groups of the project (result 2.3.1 of the project).
- Educational webinar “The procedure for international accreditation of educational programs. Training for experts/candidates for experts of the Russian Register” (in the Project Program, event code 2.3.2)
In accordance with the Project Implementation Program 611520-EPP-1-2019-1-RU-EPPJMO-SUPPA, the planned deadlines for achieving its results, as well as taking into account the current circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic and the relevant restrictions in the Russian Federation, a force majeure that made it impossible (according to the plan-application) the organization of a field seminar in Mordovia, Russian Register held on June 25-26, 2020 the planned training webinar (activity code in the Project Program 2.3.2) “Procedure for international accreditation of educational programs. Training for experts/candidates for experts of the Russian Register” using IWT and ZOOM tools.
As goals and objectives, the expert training program stated and achieved an understanding of the requirements of Russian Register’s Standard for the purposes of international accreditation of Educational Programs and the ability to apply this knowledge during the accreditation examination; familiarization of students with the most used audit methods and the procedure for conducting international accreditation; ensuring understanding of the activity principles of Russian Register’s expert group, distribution of areas of responsibility between experts; formation of competencies necessary for an expert of the Russian Register.
More than 40 people were invited and took part in the event – according to the application in the project and the requirements of the European procedures for assessing the quality of education – representatives of all interested target groups of the project, including representatives of the academic and professional communities, heads of educational programs and organizations, students and other interested parties.
In accordance with the event program, during two days the webinar participants made a virtual face-to-face visit to a virtual educational organization, practicing the skills of conducting an accreditation examination for the purpose of international accreditation of the educational program. Preliminary preparation of trainees for the training was provided by familiarization with the assessment model based on the materials of the workshop (the event is described above), materials of teachers with entrance control (testing method), desk analysis of the virtual university self-examination report when modeling the accreditation situation.
Under the guidance of teachers-consultants Izmailova M.A., Makolov V.I. and coach Zvezdova A.B. a team approach was used during the training – the participants were divided into 4 virtual rooms (ZOOM opportunities) according to the lists of virtual expert groups, including representatives of all expert parties.
According to the program and on the basis of the methodological materials of the webinar, the main events of the webinar were the introductory information module, a series of actions “Briefing for experts on the examination procedure and assessment methodology”, “Introductory meeting. Collection of objective evidence. Summing up the results of the 1st day of the examination”, an information module and a practical lesson on it “When is an interview necessary? Developing a plan and conducting interviews”, and final activities “Collecting objective evidence. Preparation of a draft report based on the results of the examination. Conducting a scoring. Final meeting. Basic ND and templates.
As a result of the event, all participants successfully completed the task and received certificates of theoretical training, which, according to the Russian Register personnel training system, will allow the project team to attract colleagues to future internships for conducting accreditation examination, incl. approbation of the procedures of the Russian Register for assessing the quality of education developed within the framework of this project (action item 2.3.3 of the project).
- A series of round tables in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (in the Project Program, the code of events is 3.2.1)
Programs of the round tables held in the project.
6.1 “International accreditation as a tool for ensuring and assessing the quality of higher education: problems and prospects”
In accordance with the Project Implementation Program 611520-EPP-1-2019-1-RU-EPPJMO-SUPPA and the planned deadlines for achieving its results, Russian Register held on June 26, 2020 the planned (event code in the application 3.2.1, for the first half of 2020) interregional round table “International accreditation as a tool for ensuring and assessing the quality of higher education: problems and prospects” taking into account the current circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic and the corresponding restrictions in the Russian Federation using IWT and ZOOM.
The participants (about 40 people) who responded to the invitation to participate in the event, taking into account the results of the research carried out in this project on the implementation of education quality assessment procedures in Europe and in the world, discussed the goals, systems, regulatory and methodological framework and advantages of international accreditation of educational programs in Europe and in the world, the possibility of including accredited programs in various registries supported by international networks for quality assurance in education. The participants of the round table were actively involved in the discussion about the prospects for the development of such an accreditation practice in the Russian Federation. All participants of the round table received certificates of participation.
6.2 “The contribution of the Jean Monnet project to the development of Russian universities”
Russian Register accepted the invitation of the Director of the National Erasmus+ Office in Russia and, under the conditions of covid restrictions, took advantage of the #ERASMUSDAYS opportunity and used this platform on October 16, 2020 to solve Task 3 of the project to disseminate EU approaches to assessing the quality assurance of higher education among educational institutions of the Russian Federation and of the world. Thus, in accordance with the Program for the implementation of the project 611520-EPP-1-2019-1-RU-EPPJMO-SUPPA, the planned deadlines for achieving its results, the Russian Register held (event code in the application 3.2.1, for the second half of 2020) an interregional open online event “Contribution of the Jean Monnet project to the development of Russian universities”. The participants of the event were presented with all the intermediate and currently created products of the project 611520-EPP-1-2019-1-RU-EPPJMO-SUPPA, the circle of users and stakeholders of the project (primarily universities as the main consumers of materials and developments of the project) was expanded, undoubtedly this contributed to the dissemination of his results. Since at this date the project is in the active phase of implementation, but far from being completed, it was possible to present all interesting and significant project products for the first year of its implementation, demonstrating them directly on the developed project website 611520-EPP-1-2019-1-RU-EPPJMO -SUPPA. Due to lockdown-2020, the event was held online, which allowed to attract more than 250 participants from all over the country.
6.3 “Integration of education and the labor market – the basis for sustainable development of the region”
In accordance with the Project Implementation Program 611520-EPP-1-2019-1-RU-EPPJMO-SUPPA, the planned deadlines for achieving its results, Russian Register March 31, 2021 held in Tver (event code in the application 3.2.1, for the first half of 2021) a regional round table “Integration of education and the labor market – the basis for sustainable development of the region” in a mixed format, taking into account the current circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The round table was attended by 109 people: representatives and experts of the Russian Register (14 people), employees of the administration of Tver State University (Tver State University, 20 people), educational organizations of the region (67 people) and guests (8 people) – representatives of employers’ associations of the region, the Minister education of the Tver region, representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Tver region, the Administration of the city of Tver. In the TVGU were discussed the motivation and prospects for conducting international accreditation at the program level for compliance with the ESG-ENQA standards of educational organizations in the region, the features of their individual provisions, taking into account the results of the study of the implementation of education quality assessment procedures in Europe conducted in this project. Colleagues analyzed the achievements of TVGU, the leading university in the region, in terms of an independent assessment of the quality of education conducted at the university under the supervision of the Russian Register, and also presented certificates of professional public accreditation of programs (a national mechanism for independent assessment of the quality of education).
6.4 “Quality management in higher education”
In accordance with the Program for the implementation of the project 611520-EPP-1-2019-1-RU-EPPJMO-SUPPA, the planned deadlines for achieving its results, the Russian Register held on November 8-12, 2021 at site of the National Research N.P.Ogaryov Mordovian State University the regional practical seminar “Quality Management in the Higher Education System” (event code in the application 3.2.1, for the second half of 2021) taking into account the current circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic and the corresponding restrictions in the Russian Federation in a mixed format. An extensive seminar program on the issues discussed at the seminar was implemented by leading specialists in the field of education quality management of the Russian Register Certification Association, Ph.D. expert “Russian Register-Siberia” Zamiralova E.V., Ph.D. head of the project and representative office “Russian Register – Baltic Inspection” Korneva E.Yu., Doctor of Economics, expert of the Russian Register on the NOKO program Salimova T.A.
The participants (29 people) discussed the issues of modern quality management systems as a mechanism for improving the activities of the university, improving the management of educational and scientific activities based on a process approach, internal quality audit in an educational organization as a tool for administrative control and a systematic approach, considered mechanisms for external independent quality assessment and conditions of educational activity as a way to guarantee the quality of higher education – such as international accreditation and professional – public accreditation of educational programs -, the advantages of international accreditation of educational programs in Europe and in the world, the possibility of including accredited programs in various registries supported by international networks for education quality assurance, prospects development of the practice of independent accreditation in the Russian Federation, took the experience of implementing an internal assessment of the quality of educational activities, discussed modern these trends and global challenges in the quality management of higher education, issues of international and national competitiveness of universities.
All participants received certificates of participation.
6.5 «Russian Register – EAEU»
On June 28, 2022, a meeting of RR partner organizations was held in St. Petersburg at the central office of the Russian Register (RR). The event was of a hybrid nature and was held in an expanded format, bringing together online and offline members of the Council from Russia, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, Moldova, Serbia and Armenia. The agenda includes a discussion on the specifics of educational systems and accreditation practices in the EAEU member countries.
6.6 «Independent assessments of the quality of education»
Russian Register on September 14 held a free seminar on the subject of independent assessments of the quality of education, its main types in the Russian Federation – international, professional and public accreditation of educational programs, independent assessment of qualifications – in accordance with the requirements of Article 96 of the Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation ” and Federal Law No. 238 “On an independent assessment of qualifications”. Questions addressed in the seminar:
Activities for an independent assessment of the quality of education: relevance, goals and objectives, results and prospects;
Regulatory framework for professional and public, international accreditation of educational programs of professional education, certification of qualifications;
The content of the assessment and procedures for the accreditation of educational organizations and programs, certification of qualifications;
Formation of a pool of experts for the purposes of accreditation examinations;
Experience in practical implementation of independent assessments of the quality of education;
International accreditation of educational programs: Russian and foreign experience.
Participation in the seminar is free. 33 рeople took part in the seminar, the listeners received Certificates of participation in the seminar.
- International Forum “MANAGEMENT OF ORGANIZATION. ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS” (in the Project Program, activity code 3.2.2)
ANNOUNCEMENT. 08/25/2020.
On October 5-6, 2020, the International Forum “MANAGEMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION. ACHIEVE SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS”. In 2020, the Forum is held by the Russian Register Certification Association on the basis and with the support of St. Petersburg State University of Economics in an online format.
Participation in the Forum and publication of abstracts are free. Electronic registration is required to participate in the conference. Registration is open until September 15, 2020. Theses and abstracts of the reports of the conference participants in electronic form are provided by September 5, 2020 to the Conference Technical Committee. All the necessary information on access, information on the format of the event will be provided here a few days before the event on the website of the project of the Russian Register Certification Association. Additional information by phone: +7(909) 156-43-11, +7 (495) 136-65-85, e-mail:, contact person: project manager Evgenia Yurievna Korneva.
The Forum is planned to be attended by representatives of accreditation agencies of Europe, CIS, Middle East, countries of the Asia-Pacific region, International Organization for Standardization ISO, representatives of the ministries of education of the Russian Federation, CIS countries and their subjects, more than 100 representatives of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, CIS countries, Germany, Australia, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, China, Israel, Switzerland. We invite you to take part in the Forum!
ANNOUNCEMENT. 09/21/2020.
Certification Association “Russian Register” thanks all those who showed interest and registered for the International Forum “MANAGEMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION. ACHIEVE SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS”. All events of this Forum-2020 are devoted to discussing the issues of sustainable development of higher education in the country and in the world, the quality of specialists’ training.
The opening of the Forum will take place on October 5, 2020 at 10.00 (Moscow time) on the ZOOM online platform. On October 2, 2020, the Forum will host a panel discussion “The Role of Leadership in the Sustainable Development of an Organization”.
The Forum program includes: plenary session, section “Sustainable development of Russian higher education: integration into the European Higher Education Area”, panel discussion “The role of leadership in the sustainable success of the Organization”, round tables “Dialogue with the accreditation agency” and “Industry standards and modern systems Management”, as well as an industrial excursion to the St. Petersburg State University of Economics. The content of the Forum, as well as links to connect to its events, are presented in the Forum program.
We hope that all events will be held in a constructive and creative way, and the Forum will contribute to opening up new opportunities for developments in the field of quality assurance in education!
RELEASE. 10.10.2020.
In accordance with the Project Implementation Program 611520-EPP-1-2019-1-RU-EPPJMO-SUPPA, the planned deadlines for achieving its results, as well as taking into account the current circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic and the corresponding restrictions in the Russian Federation, Russian Register held on October 5-6 2020 planned International Forum “MANAGEMENT OF ORGANIZATION. ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE SUCCESS” using IWT and ZOOM tools.
A key feature of the Forum-2020 was the discussion of the issues of sustainable development of higher education in Russia and abroad, ensuring and assessing the quality of specialist training. Russian Register has been working with educational organizations for more than 20 years and has accumulated extensive practical experience in assessing education quality assurance. And the Forum has become one of the prestigious platforms for communication of professionals in the field of education quality not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad, uniting around common goals and objectives for ensuring the quality and integration of education representatives of various industries, civil society, scientific and pedagogical workers of universities in Russia and foreign countries. This became possible due to the inclusion by the organizers in the agenda of the Forum of only the most pressing issues that determine the prospects for the development of the sphere of ensuring the quality of education – an activ working program of the Forum is direct evidence of this.
During the globalized covid-19 pandemic, which has imposed conditions on the format of holding open events, the issues of interuniversity dialogue, which is designed to become an effective tool for creating joint educational programs, academic mobility, uniting peoples, cultures and civilizations, are extremely relevant and discussed. The best practices at the Forum events were shared by Russian Register partners — representatives of accreditation agencies of Europe, CIS, Middle East, countries of the Asia-Pacific region, International Organization for Standardization ISO, as well as colleagues from universities in the Russian Federation, CIS countries, Germany, France, China, Romania, Switzerland.
More than 100 people registered and participated in the Forum events – representatives of all interested target groups of the project, including representatives of the academic and professional communities, heads of educational programs and organizations, students, as well as a third independent party – European and international accreditation agencies, and other interested parties.
On October 5, at the Plenary meeting “National concept of quality: training of managerial personnel”, the following persons delivered welcoming speeches: Vladimirtsev A.V., General Director of the Russian Register Certification Association, Chairman of the Committee for Science and Higher Education of St. Petersburg A.S. Maksimov, Rector of St.Petersburg State University of Economics Maksimtsev I.A., Chairman of the Committee on Industrial Policy, Innovations and Trade of St. Petersburg Soloveychik K.A., Vice-Rector for Research of St.Petersburg State University of Economics Gorbashko E.A.
Heads of the Department of Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation T.V. Dyachkov, National Accreditation Agency (NAA) L.S. Izmailova, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography N.R. Kamynina, Autonomous non-profit organization “Russian quality system” (Roskachestvo) Yu.Yu. Mikhaleva made accents on topical issues and reflections of the time challenges on the activities and procedures of their subordinate structures.
The day before, on October 2, 2 events were held within the framework of the Forum. At the panel discussion, a dialogue was organized by recognized authoritative experts in the field of ensuring the sustainable development of organizations and business continuity: Deputy Chairman of ISO / TC 176 / PC 02 / CG 05 Dzedika V.A. and Head of the Certification Program for Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development and Business Continuity, Director of the Branch of the Certification Association “Russian Register” in Lithuania Elena Ryazanova with students and young scientists from Russia and China on the role of leadership in the sustainable development of an organization. At the same time, Vice-Rector for Research at St. Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON), Professor Gorbashko E.A. together with colleagues from the Center for Quality Management of the University conducted an online tour “St.Petersburg State University of Economics – the northwestern fairway of quality assurance in Russian education”, where they demonstrated to the Forum participants methods and forms of work that have proven themselves at the university to ensure the quality of education at “St. Petersburg State University of Economics”.
October 6 became the most meaningful day of the Forum. 3 events took place during the day: two round tables “Dialogue with the Accreditation Agency” and “Industry Standards and Modern Management Systems” and the section “Sustainable Development of Russian Higher Education: Integration into the European Higher Education Area”. The agenda of the section included a review of a wide range of methods, approaches and forms of ensuring high quality assurance of education, competitiveness of educational programs and their promotion to the international market: from the principles of total management based on quality and the business improvement model of the European Foundation for Quality Management as the basis of the QMS of universities in accordance with the requirements of MS ISO series 9000, 21000, 29000 and the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality through the participation of employers as the main consumer of the activities of universities to the creation and implementation of joint Russian educational programs with the universities of France, Romania, Switzerland; as well as the role and procedures of accreditation agencies as a third independent party in assessing the achieved quality of education.
Round table “Dialogue with the accreditation agency“ was a successful test of a new format for the Association of communication with partners – experts and agencies – in the interests of a wide range of stakeholders. Agencies from Moldova, Germany, Kazakhstan, Great Britain and Philippines took part in the discussion of the issues most interesting for Russian universities applying for international accreditation of educational programs according to the requirements of ESG ENQA.
The round table “Industry Standards and Modern Management Systems“ became a platform for demonstrating the experience of standardizing the best practice in the implementation of processes and management in various sectors of the economy, which was shared by representatives, incl. educational organizations in Latvia, Kyrgyzstan, Great Britain, Switzerland, Germany.
As a result of the Forum, the records and materials of the speakers of all events were posted and available on the Internet, the participants received material on the activities of the Russian Register Certification Association in assessing the quality of education and integration into the European space.
8. International Conference “Quality Assurance Systems in Education” (in the Project Program, the event code is 3.2.3, in the project application – 2.3.6)
In the project proposal, this Conference was planned to be held in one of the most distinctive regions of the Russian Federation – Tatarstan, dealing with issues of ensuring the quality of higher education within the framework of the annual International Forum “Tatarstan – the territory of quality”. During the project implementation period, changes took place in the management bodies of the Republic and the branch of the Certification Association “Russian Register” in Tatarstan. In this regard, this conference, which has a final focus on this project, was postponed to October 13-14 at a site in Moscow!
During the event, more than 60 reports and messages were presented. The conference was attended by delegates from 7 countries and more than 20 regions of the Russian Federation, while about 90 people attended the conference in person. The total number of participants of the conference broadcast on the Internet at the time of its completion exceeded 1000.
Please follow the links below for the conference proceedings:
• Final program
•Section presentations on the subject of this project and all conference material.
• Photos from the event.
All registered participants of the event received electronic certificates.