Russian Register participated in the meeting of JEAN MONNET ACTIVITIES coordinators

November 18 and 19, 2019 a meeting of JEAN MONNET ACTIVITIES project coordinators took place in Brussels. In accordance with grant agreement No. 2019-1972 / 001-001 between Russian Register and the Executive Agency for Education, Culture and Audiovisual Media (the “Agency”), acting on the basis of the authority granted by the European Commission, the implementation of the project No. 611520-EPP- 1-2019-1RU-EPPJMO-SUPPA “QA in Russian HE: integration with European approaches – integration into European space” involves the participation of PP representatives in such meetings.

Zvezdova, the head of the Department for Assessing the Quality of Education and the LEAR of Russian Register, took part in the event. The Agency was presented by François Willekens, who spoke with a welcoming speech. Much attention was paid to grant management. Leading Agency staff members presented their thematic presentations.

To ensure a free exchange of views, all participants were divided in advance into working groups on the topics of the planned discussions, each had the opportunity to present their own project, tell the colleagues about different features.

The next day, November 19, 2019, the event was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of JEAN MONNET ACTIVITIES. During the panel discussion the presenters spoke on the issues of transition to the digital age, digitalization of education, changes in the competencies of teachers, etc.

We invite universities to cooperate in improving the quality assurance systems of educational institutions and ongoing programs !

The logo of the project

The project team has developed a logo that is used on this project site, as well as on the corresponding page of the Erasmus+ platform,

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